March Monthly Competition – Terms & Conditions

  • The White Glo “$3k Giveaway” commences on Monday 3 rd of March 2025 and ends
    Monday 31 st of March 2025.
  • The winner will be drawn at random on Tuesday 1 st of April 2025 and will be
    contacted within 7 days of being drawn.
  • To enter the $3k Giveaway, entrants must purchase any White Glo product from one
    of the following retailers within the competition dates: Woolworths, Coles, Chemist
    Warehouse, Priceline only.
  • Each dollar spent on the purchased White Glo product equates to one entry into the
    competition. For example, if one entrant purchased 1x toothpaste for $6, they would
    receive 6 entries. If one entrant purchased 1x $60 whitening kit, and 1x $6 toothpaste
    they would receive 66 entries. Entry amount is rounded down to the closest dollar.
    For example, if one entrant purchased 1x toothpaste for $5.99, they would receive 5
  • To enter the $3k Holiday Giveaway, entrants must email their receipt
    to win@whiteglo.com along with their first name, last name, mobile number and
    postcode. Entries without all of the required information will be deemed invalid. The
    date and product must be visible on the uploaded receipt. If either of these are not
    visible, the entry will be invalid.
  • The competition webpage URL is: www.whiteglo.com/pages/monthlycompetition.
    This form will be communicated via social media, email marketing, website and other
    forms of marketing.
  • Entrants must be over the age of 18 and reside in Australia.
  • The winners’ details (first name, last name initial, state of residence) will be published
    on the competition webpage and on social media within 30 days.
  • The winner will be called via video call (Facetime, Zoom meeting, etc) to be informed
    of their win. White Glo reserves the right to use this video and audio content for
    promotional purposes.
  • There will be one winner drawn. The winner will receive a cash prize of $3000 (AUD),
    which will be distributed via direct deposit. The winner will be required to send their
    bank details to White Glo in order to receive their prize money.
  • The winner agrees to public announcements via social media, email marketing and
    advertising once they have been drawn.
  • Unclaimed Prize Draw: If the if prize is not claimed by successful entrants after 14
    days, a redraw will be made on Monday 14 th of March 2025. The winner will be drawn
    at random. The unclaimed prize winner will be notified in writing within seven days.
  • The winner of the re-draw details (last name, first initial, postcode) will be published
    on social media within 30 days.
  • If for any reason any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned,
    including by reason of computer virus, communications network failure, bugs,
    tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond
    the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate,
    modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or
    modify a prize, subject to State or Territory regulation. 
  • Trader Name: Barros Laboratories “White Glo”, Address: White Glo House 10
    Narabang Way, Belrose NSW 2086. ABN 85 068 407 509

Previous Winners

January $3k Giveaway Competition: Lina C, New South Wales.

December $3k Giveaway Competition: Tasha W, Western Australia.

November $3k Giveaway Competition: Kim B, Queensland.

October $3k Giveaway Competition: Helen R, Western Australia.

September $3k Giveaway Competition: Lee-Anne C, Northern Territory