Your Self-Care Guide to the Perfect Night In

While it can be tempting to get a massage, meet up with friends, or indulge in pampering treatments when you’re in need of some self-care, you don’t always have the time or the energy to do so. Luckily, there are plenty of simple self-care tips you can incorporate into your own personal night in to make sure you’re well taken care of. You might just feel like new by the time you wake up!

Whether you have a hectic schedule or if you’re just burnt out, the most important thing to do to maintain your energy and overall well-being is take some time to care for yourself. But sometimes it’s hard to know how to best do that...which is why we created this self-care guide for your next night in!

Ritualise your night

Ritualise Your Night

Take time in advance of your night in to think about what you’d like to experience, and make sure each part of your night is intentional. Choose a time where you have enough space from your daily life, and from any distractions that might get in your way. Set an intention for yourself: Why are you choosing to self-care? What do you want out of it? 

Skincare Routine

Skincare Routine

This is where your routine starts, not ends. Wash your face with a cleanser that suits your skin type and remove any eye makeup with an oil or silicone based remover. For those who wear regular mascara, it’s best to pull out excess product with a lash comb prior to cleansing. Those with sensitive eyes should take care when removing eye makeup, as some products can sting or irritate if applied too close to the eyes. Once removed, rinse your face and apply toner.

Whiten your teeth

Whiten Your Teeth

Work on getting those pearly whites even whiter with the White Glo Accelerator. This product only takes 10 minutes of daily use to achieve 8 shades whiter teeth in only 7 days. All it takes is an hour a week for significant results. 

Have a nourishing dinner

Have a Nourishing Dinner

Start your night off right with a hearty, healthy dinner that will fill you up but won’t weigh you down. Spaghetti squash is a great option: it contains plenty of fiber and vitamins, while also being low in calories—one cup has around 100 calories. You can toss it in butter or olive oil and roast it for 20 minutes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit (218 degrees Celsius), until tender, then top with parmesan cheese for an extra punch of flavor. Other options include baked sweet potatoes topped with salmon and fresh parsley, or grilled chicken atop a roasted spaghetti squash puree spread thickly on tortillas.

Meditate before bed

Meditate Before Bed

Meditation is one of the best ways to unwind and de-stress. Plus, it helps promote deeper sleep (which I’m always on board for). Before you hop into bed, try sitting up with your legs crossed or in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and get ready for a few minutes of serenity. This is a great way to start your night off right!